Teacher Application Form

Note: 1. All '' marked fields are mandatory. Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.
2. Minimum eligibility criteria for teaching or academic positions - 60% or above in class XII and 50% or above in Graduation.
Job Information
Preferred Classes to be Taught Subject (Preference 1)
Subject (Preference 2)
Personal Information
Name (As appearing in PAN/AADHAR CARD)
Date of Birth Place of Birth Birth State
Blood Group Gender Religion
Caste Aadhaar No. PAN
Nationality Marital Status Date & Year of Marriage
Vehicle Type (owned)
Contact Information

Present Residence Address / Address for Communication

City State PIN
Mobile No. Residence Telephone No.(with STD Code)/ Alternative Mobile No.
Contact No. in case of Emergency E-mail

Permanent Address
(Check this box if Present Residence Address / Address for Communication & Permanent Address are the same.)

City State PIN
Mobile No. Residence Telephone No.(with STD Code)/ Alternative Mobile No.
Children Information
Sr.No. Name Gender Age in years Studying in our school at the time of application (Yes/No)
Family Information
Father's Name Father's Occupation
Father's Contact No.
Mother's Name Mother's Occupation
Mother's Contact No.
Spouse's Name Specify whether spouse's job is transferrable
Spouse's Qualification Spouse's Profession
Spouse's Organization Spouse's Designation
Spouse's Contact No.
Academic/Professional Qualifications
Highest Qualification in Subject Applied as Preference 1: B.Ed
Academic/Professional Details
Qualification Degree Main Subjects School/ College City Board/ University Year of Passing %age of Marks Division
Have you appeared for CENTA? Applicable
Work Experience Applicable
Proficiency in Languages & Computers
Language Speak Read Write
Any other Language/s known
Proficiency in Computer
Specify other functional areas in which you have an experience or can contribute to the School
Administration Counselling Special Education Needs
Assessments & CBSE related works Performing Arts Sports
Career Guidance Quizzes Staff Training
Content Development School Co-Curricular Activities Visual Arts

Details of Seminars/ Workshops/ Webinars attended in last three years. (You may be asked to furnish certificates at a later stage)
Year No. of Workshops Conducted by CBSE No. of Workshops Conducted by Other Organizations
Is any member of your family employed in any Delhi Public School?
Have you applied earlier for a job at our School?
Upload Resume (MS-Word, PDF) (file size not more than 1 MB)
upload passport size photograph (JPG/PNG) (file size not more than 500 KB)
Upload Scanned Signature (JPG/PNG) (file size not more than 200 KB)
I, the applicant, state that all information given above is true and correct. I understand that submission of the Application Form is a preliminary step in the selection of teachers at Delhi Public School Coimbatore and does not guarantee a job. I agree to abide by all decisions taken by the school management.