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In earlier days, the school management software was just for managing school operations. But nowadays, new innovations of good software have introduced an effective communication portal by which the output of the school management software is visible to various stakeholders. Be it be parents, students, management staff, or teacher. A robust software that is bringing all the stakeholders under one platform, which provides them real-time updates through a mobile app.Those organizations having better management and coordination, tends to grow stronger and reaches to the vertex. In the education sector, the school having reliable School Management Software takes the lead. There are many school software available in the market currently. And in the quest of finding the best among the rest, some tend to try-out software that hardly stands out to the requirements. In order to end down your worries, we have come up with India’s most valued and first talking ERP school software to take the learning beyond and hassle-free day to day processes. Let us begin with a brief explanation about school software, its feature, and the advantages of using reliable management software for school.

Lesson Planning

Effective teaching strategies and well-structured lesson planning play a pivotal role in a student’s educational journey throughout the academic session. Schools encounter multiple challenges in creating and organizing the most suitable lesson plans which contribute to student’s success. By introducing modern age Lesson planning, Edunext Technologies turned this tangled task into a simplified yet the most effective process for schools.

This modern solution not only provides an overview of teachers’ day-to-day tasks with the teacher’s calendar but allows them to create multiple lesson plans with ease. Whereas, the dashboard makes analysis a handy job for concerned authorities with a holistic overview of lesson planning from multiple aspects. Hands-on customization is the key highlight of this module which comes with user-defined database fields. This makes the modification process easy for the school and teachers.

Talking about customization, schools can also import additional plans in this module at any given point in time. Moreover, Teacher’s Dairy is also available to maintain vital records and tasks. At last, schools can generate multiple reports to evaluate the performance of classes and teachers

Best School Management Software Company in IndiaFeatures of Lesson Planning

  • Teacher’s Calendar with Lesson Plan Schedule and Status

  • Customized Lesson Plan with User-defined Database Fields

  • Scheduling of Week-Month-Year Lesson Plan Deliveries

  • Daily Teacher’s Diary/Log Book

  • Homework and Classwork Update

  • Observation for Student’s Homework

  • Reports on Lesson Plan Coverage

Digital Learning

During this tough time, schools were forced to shift their entire education system to an online platform. It was quite challenging since there were no tools for conducting online classes, content sharing, assignments, and online assessment.

We at Edunext, believe in accepting challenges and overcoming them. Our aim is that the learning should be continued without any hindrances. Keeping the same in mind we offered an online learning platform. It is not only restricted to conducting online classes but the Online Assignment Submission, Online Assessment, Online Content Sharing, and Exam Proctoring can also be done using E-Learning. The teachers can also share digital content in the form of audio, video, pdf, and other formats.

Initially, the schools were wondering about this major transformation in the field of education. We thank all our educators for changing traditional classroom teaching to Online teaching using the Edunext Digital learning platform. Our research and development team is continuously putting their best efforts into making online learning easy and enjoyable.

Best School Management Software Company in IndiaFeatures of Digital Learning

  • Digital Content Sharing

  • Online Classes

  • Auto Students Attendance

  • Subjective & Objective Question Paper Generation

  • Online Assessment

  • Online Paper Checking with annotation tool

  • Online Results

Assessment & Grading

Error free and regular assessment of learning outcomes of students plays a pivotal role in the education delivery. At Edunext, we make sure the assessment process to be seamless including evaluation criteria, assessment terms, grading structures, weightage of terms, rounding off, etc. Edunext ERP’s module for assessment and grading not only ensures that it gets updated as per the changing guidelines from the examination bodies time to time but also keep records of all such changes. The deep functionalities addressing the common issues with razor sharp calculations makes this module the top choice of evaluators.

The assessment and grading also allows student and educators to pre-define their learning goals and then analyse the goals viz-a-viz the performance. This all is achieved with the help of an intuitive analytics segment available in Edunext ERP. There are more than 100 graphical and analytical reports available to understand students’ performance across years, teachers’ performance, range analysis and class-subject-school academic performance along with 1100+ report card formats.

We resonate with Carol Ann Tmlinsons - Assessment is today's means of modifying tomorrow's instruction.

Best School Management Software Company in IndiaFeatures of Assessment & Grading

  • Complying with CBSE, CISCE, IB and IGCSE Board

  • Marks, Grades and Remarks Entry

  • Customized Report Card Generation

  • Publishing of Report Card Online and on Mobile App

  • Graphical and Range Analysis

  • Teacher Performance Report

  • Student Performance Comparison Across Years and with Classmates

  • CBSE Result Analysis with txt File Import

Library Management

Library is no less than lifeline to any school as it acts as a reservoir of knowledge for the teachers, students, and the school on the whole. The proper management of Library is highly essential to every school and this module contributes its bit in this endeavour in the most significant fashion.

The school may have book details with DDC and can manage the e-resource Library through this module. The module sends auto-reminders to the students for the books due to be returned. The school may pull out reports related to books issued, books returned, and books to be returned.

Best School Management Software Company in IndiaFeatures of Library Management

  • Comprehensive Dashboard

  • Multiple Library Management

  • Auto Filling of Book Details Using ISBN Online

  • E-resource Library

  • Bar-code Generation and Printing

  • Periodicals Management

  • Book Details with DDC

Homework & Assignment

Well-structured homework and assignments are essential to prepare students for future examinations. It helps students unlock their academic potential and makes them independent learners. With the Edunext module, creating multiple homework, assignments, and projects is simpler than ever. Teachers can assign homework on a class-wise, section-wise basis or to a selected group of students. The option to attach required documents is also available in the supported formats, i.e., doc, pdf, jpeg, and more.

Analyzing the entire school’s homework management can be performed through the interactive dashboard menu. Where homework overview is accessible to teachers and admin, helping them monitor assignment completion and more. Students can even receive immediate alerts regarding the recently added homework on their Mobile app or software. Undoubtedly, the entire module is thoughtfully developed to streamline the homework and assignment process while delivering a wholesome experience to both students and teachers.

Best School Management Software Company in IndiaFeatures of Homework & Assignment

  • Assigning of Homework to Class/Section/Group of Students/Individual student

  • Homework in multi-language with attachments

  • Submission of homework by students with attachments

  • Homework checking and annotation online

  • Sharing feedback of homework with students

  • Option of assigning marks/credits of homework