Student Attendance
Attending school has always been very important for the students to gain
what they vie for. Several parents and the school on the whole has
always faced some grave concerns when it comes to attendance. But that
is the talk of the yore.
Our Student Attendance Module covers all the aspects related to
attendance and what is inspiring is the fact that the reports are
available readily for the school and parents of individual students.
Through this module, the attendance can be recorded on the following
bases viz. daily, first half and second half, subject-wise and
The school gets a Dashboard view with the list of students who are
absent for more than three days with an option of sending SMS to the
parents. Moreover, the school authorities may view Dashboard with daily
attendance that can be filtered to section and student level
Further, the concerned authorities may keep a track of the classes for
which attendance is not recorded for any particular day.
There are some more important features included in the module namely SMS
and Mobile Application notification to the parents of absentees. What is
interesting is the fact that the attendance can be recorded by teachers
via Mobile Application.
Additionally, the leave applications, approvals, and refusals can be
managed via Mobile Application and the school’s website. The module has
seamless integration with transport, gate pass and examination report
card functionalities.
It is highly important for the Principal and the members from Top
Management to analyse attendance statistics and this module has this
option with graphical representation. In addition to this, the teachers
may print Monthly Attendance Register with percentages.